Combine Values into a bstr class object

# S3 method for bstr





c(dstr_rand_seq(2, 5, seed = 1), dstr_rand_seq(3, 5, seed = 2))
#> class: bstr,character #> number of sequences: 5 #> [1] no name 1 : CCGTA 5 #> [2] no name 2 : TTGGA 5 #> [3] no name 1 : AGGAT 5 #> [4] no name 2 : TATCG 5 #> [5] no name 3 : GATAC 5
c(dstr_rand_seq(3, 5, seed = 2), dstr_rand_seq(2, 5, seed = 1))
#> class: bstr,character #> number of sequences: 5 #> [1] no name 1 : AGGAT 5 #> [2] no name 2 : TATCG 5 #> [3] no name 3 : GATAC 5 #> [4] no name 1 : CCGTA 5 #> [5] no name 2 : TTGGA 5
c("hoge", dstr_rand_seq(2, 5, seed = 1))
#> no name 1 no name 2 #> "hoge" "CCGTA" "TTGGA"
# c(dstr_rand_seq(3, 5, seed = 2), "hoge") # Error c(dstr_rand_seq(3, 5, seed = 2), as_bstr("hoge"))
#> class: bstr,character #> number of sequences: 4 #> [1] no name 1 : AGGAT 5 #> [2] no name 2 : TATCG 5 #> [3] no name 3 : GATAC 5 #> [4] no name 1 : hoge 4